Tuesday 14 April 2020

Website Feedback from Alec

Looking good. 

Can you start each project with some text. When it comes at the end it could easily get missed, so launch straight in and give us some context. Might be nice to experiment with using text to break the images up a little bit as well to make the projects feel more expansive. LOVE THE LINK TO YOUR SHOP. 

Could you animate your personal branding into a nice gif loop? If so, I think you could probably lose the animated banner on the homepage.

  •   From this feedback, it is clear that to develop my website even further the copywrite needs to be considered more. To improve I'm going to take upon the feedback of having a break between my images with the text, which will still draw attention to the images but will engage more with the breaks. Also I like the suggestion of animating my personal branding into a gif loop instead of having the secondary imagery that already exists. I will play with that idea and see what works better!

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