Wednesday 15 April 2020

Research brief - Scandinavian typeface

The best fonts to use with the scandinavian alphabet 

Consequently, there are certain fonts that capture the Scandinavian personality: clean, functional, beautiful, quirky as hell. But alas, not all fonts embrace the Scandi alphabet with it’s å, æ and ø possibilities

Avenir - very simple, very scandi
Caslon - This typeface looks both incredibly modern but also classic. Guess what font you’re reading right now? You guessed it: Caslon. Definitely my favourite serif font. If you’re looking for a classic font that’s similar to Times New Roman with an edge, Caslon is you’re best bet. Been around for ages, and will be for even longer. Long live Caslon!
Elephant - Move over Futura, this font is my new standard sans serif. I discovered it when researching Bouvetøya, a remote Norwegian Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. If you’re into graphics and strange remote islands, the Bouvetoya: A Cultural History of an Isolated Landmass book is not only a beautiful book, its a fascinating read.
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