Friday 17 April 2020

Research Brief: Initial sketches

To start with the concept of the cafe, logo ideas were designed to start the creation of the Café’s identity. Logos are an important basis for a brand with them becoming a point of recognition for clients and a foun-dation for the branding. A well designed logo is an easy way to convey to potential customers that your business is professional, trustworthy and provides quality goods or services. There is said to be three essentials to a good business logo: it must be appropriate to the business, it must be memorable and it must be uncomplicated in form.

sketched out some moose due to the research findings that the native animal to Scandinavia is deer. Due to my knowledge and research of the positive effects of using a mascot within the logo, the idea was to create a mascot that would create a positive and friendly nature to the cafe. 

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