Friday, 21 February 2020

Placement day 4&5

Day 4 
With already creating the background yesterday, today the aim is to incorporate the printable to create 4 finished outcomes. With watercolours and a water brush pen, I coloured in the printable in my chosen colours and then cut out the images. With creating the projects it allowed me to fully experience the use of the design, which made me realise why certain specifications were so important. With arranging the chosen elements, I also added dots, wash tape and words, with help from the team who directed me. For the creation of the tag I even had to get messy, with colouring the ribbon to suit our needs! With each element I focused on a different element to my printable pages and used flowers, borders and leafs to create the 4 outcomes. 

                                                                            Day 5

With finishing the 4 outcomes with the help from being taught new processes from the team, today is the aim to take photos of all of the outcomes. Craft Stamper have a mini studio set up with the use of studio lighting, two cameras and many backdrops and many props. I watched the style of shots that Craft Stamper takes and with help from the team I styled and shot the pictures of all the elements. I used the prop of plants against the contrast of a brick background to elevate the bright colours within the project. With the help of art direction from the team they were really pleased with the outcome and I would receive the photos when put through the edit! To finish off the brief the last job was to create a copy of the instructions so if anyone wanted to create a similar project they could with the step by steps and the printable that they receive. 

Overall the placement was really helpful in gaining new skills and allowed me to get on site feedback and help, which allowed me to see the whole process from design to final outcome.

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