Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Placement day 2&3

Day 2
Today is important with needing to have the majority of the printable page completed so we can start to create the magazine outcomes tomorrow with the finished printables. From the initial ideas we clarified that I should consider type in the printable elements and to also have leaf elements as a separation from the flowers in order to give more flexibility to the readership. From this feedback, i developed some of the floral sketches so I could experiment with the element of type, with using the floral borders. I used an array of typefaces and different borders, however I wasn't too keen on the use of type for this printable collection. With direction from the team, they agreed and actually preferred the illustrations as the key focal point and we decided to focus on imagery this issue. I also developed the use of leaves, with taking certain elements that they liked from the borders to make their own element. 

 From the decision to focus solely on imagery I developed some of the chosen flowers that the team chose, and digitally worked on them. With feedback stating that flowerhead would work best, I edited original sketches to include just the flower head. Also, I developed the border imagery with creating a border from the chosen stamp design. With the now use of leafs as well as floral imagery, I created a pattern with being inspired by other craft magazines printable pages. I showed the team my idea, due to originally them only requesting 2 pages and they really loved the idea of having a pattern and even suggested that we have a colour one too so crafters can have the option to use the background straight away or colour their own.

Day 3
Today the first job to do is to finalise the printable, with taking upon the feedback yesterday to have a colour pattern, duplicate different sized imagery and experimenting with placement. I designed a page of floral, scandi inspired illustrations then had feedback stating that they all worked really well, however having elements such as the border but thinner that could be used for a flower stem would be good. Also, to have the main stamp and the digi stamp included with different sizes. I duplicated some elements such as the leaf to be adaptable for different uses within the mixed media stage. With the green light of the team and editor being happy with the 4 pages, I added the logo and the accreditation to myself. 

With finishing the final printable stage my mid day we then started on the process of creating the outcomes that would be displayed in the magazine to showcase how these elements can be used. The team described to me that we would be making a Atc card, tag and two different sized cards. The first step we did was to create a background for all of these elements. Within mixed media it is important to use textures and different materials to create a unique outcome, and I was taught how to use gelly printing gin order to create interesting outcomes. This method of printing is all about transferring the acrylic with a gel board, which with the use of stencils can create good outcomes. We experimented with different colours and stencils, with making quite a few to end with some that I was happy with, with being allowed full creative direction.

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