Friday 7 February 2020

Logo Development

From the previous logo ideas, I chose to develop the logo type that used the 'I' title within the face. 
I decided to keep with the colour 'Illusion' with peers and myself agreeing that the colour represents me well, with on that same day wearing a whole outfit and matching scrunch out of this colour! With the colour chosen and the initial logo, the logo was developed. I changed the typeface, with deciding that I wanted a rounder sans serif due to this betting representing my softer and more approachable style of illustration. With looking for a rounder sans serif, I found that typeface 'KnickKnack' with upon trying this typeface with the smile element, I really like the contrast of these elements. I then decided to buy the typeface so I could use it within the logo. From there, I experimented with the layout of the type, the sizes and the different style of faces. I experimented with having the face as a separate element or by following the placement of the i's title. I preferred following the eyes title, so from there I experimented with size and the placement of the type.  

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