Saturday, 15 February 2020

Crit feedback - greeting card final


- start the research now - slow down - shouldn't know the final outcome 
- Don't do mockups - try and avoid - make and photograph
- concept leads to design decision (do something interested in)
- use fedegorni paper more as a collar - so using their colour then design on top 

candle - pattern would look good with my portfolio as already showing elements of pattern in the card competition

make a logo - branding It - will make the concept more clear
really cute and clever - the animals are cute and reflect the audience
the colours - from afternoon tea 

photoshoot - to show in context and be really good for your portfolio - staging an afternoon tea with the cards but perhaps actually make the cakes and with the cakes have the adding props to make the animals - get a good photographer 
baking - sticking google eyes on etc - using felt or something sturdy with a cocktail stick in the cake

overall, the feedback was helpful to having the staging idea for the project, which will enhance my portfolio and also touch on the ppp session of creating a strategy which will help me to promote my work and reach the brand to which I would like to work for. 

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