meaning : 'not too little, not too much, just right' 'just the right amount'
the term represents the Swedish cultural and social ideals of equality and fairness.
Lagom is classed as the 'new' hygge, with it becoming a more popular concept in 2017
Lagom is about your approach to life
companies have adapted this term, with American cosmetics company Peach & Lily having a 'Lagom' collection, promising healthy skin. Ikea has it's own project, live Lagom, which teaches people how to make sustainable living 'easier, more affordable and attractive'.
Lagom is important to the Scandinavian living, with there being balance and moderation with everything they do, from working hours to portion sizes of dinner. Their food is based on simple ingredients prepared beautifully and its the same with scandi design that is functional, stylish, simple and sustainable.
One of the Swedish traditions, in which incorporates Lagom, is Fika. Fika means having a break to drink coffee and have a snack, catching up with friends and family. In Sweden it is the norm to pop out for Fika at any time of the day, as Swedes have the mantra of not working for longer than you should.
The philosophy of Lagom is the balance of work and play, offering an alternative to the idea of seeking the next best thing, with it encouraging balance across our lives.
The concept has become more integrated in popular culture, with books titled 'Lagom' being sold in the popular store 'Urban Outfitters' as well as other lifestyle books, in which may be becoming a trend with people wanting to create a better lifestyle in a more stressful world.
living Lagom: work to life balance
doing a job till it is ready, yet do it to standard
the average swede works 1,644 hours per year compared to 1,776, yet ranks 6th in the global competitiveness index
in traditional working environments, employees enjoy a 15 minute fika every morning and afternoon, in addition to their lunch break
parents get generous parental leave, with both sexes getting time off, and the right to working shorter days for the first eight years of a Childs life
Sweden introduced a 6 hour working day, with the recognition of the importance of time for hobbies and downtime, resulting in more happier and effective employees
Review goodread: This book talks about the Swedish concept of lagom, or just enough, seeking balance, etc. It has a few pages of text on various aspects of lagom with photos and graphics, covering food, home, community, work, clothing, and discussion of sustainability. It was interesting to learn more about Swedish culture.
Danish way of enjoying life's simple pleasures: friends, family, good feelings, feeling cozy.
translated in English to cosiness
its been said that 'hygge could be families and friends getting together for a meal, with the lighting dimmed, or it could be time spent on your own reading a good book'
the idea is to relax and feel as at-home as possible, forgetting lifes worries
Hygge is about being kind to yourself, indulging, having a nice time, not punishing or denying yourself anything.
The biggest season of hygge is Christmas, with Danish winters being long and dark, the Danes have candles, blankets, oversized scarves to combat this. With candles, woollens, slippers, pastries, rugs, lattes and a warm fireplace.
In 2016 hygge was one of the finalist words to be added to the Oxford dictionary
in 2016 the concept of Scandinavian coziness has captured a national audience, with 6 books about hygge published in the US.
A British journalist who wrote 'the year of living danishly' defines hygge as 'taking pleasure in the presence of gentle, soothing things' like a freshly brewed cup of coffee and socks.
a way of creating a sanctuary in the middle of very real life
Danes are good at focusing on what brings them a better quality of life
more of a feeling, requires a appreciation and recognition to enjoy the present
English words that can describe hygge is; cosiness, charm, happiness, contentless, security, familiarity, comfort, reassurance.
Jonas Aurell from Scandikitchen said 'since hygge took off, we've been selling a third more cakes and buns'
Review on goodreads: This book made me so incredibly happy while reading it. The phenomenon and idea of hygge is something that appeals to my very soul, and it is something that I want to try and implement far more in my life than I already am. As my main resolution for this year is to stay happy, it seems inevitable that I would work towards the hygge lifestyle.
it is the danish word for happiness
Denmark is the happiest country in the world based on averages
Denmark has free health care for all, no university tuition fees,
stated in the book that happiness is based upon : togetherness, money, health, freedom, trust and kindness
tip- buy experiences not things
health- reverse relationship between happiness and health, our happiness has an impact on our health.
63% of danes commute on a bike, with more bikes than cars in Copenhagen
the work life balance - value the time spent with family and friends, leaving work at around 4 or 5 with no excuse, with Denmark being ranked at no 2 on the OECD better ice index
52 weeks of paid leave- can be divided by partner
high level of trust in their society- which the happiness report states that a successful society is one where people have a high level of trust
indulging now and then, stay active and keep your rest and family time sacred
Review on Goodreads: I really enjoy Wiking's writing. He uses an interesting mix of facts, case studies, real stories from his life and statistics. The book is also filled with photographs and graphs which break things up and add to how cheerful and cosy it is. I'm always surprised by how easy these books are to read, despite the amount of information we get.
What I love the most about these books is that they make me think about my life. They make you take a step back and realise that there are little changes you can make to be happier. His books always leave me feeling motivated and inspired, and I love that. As everything is based on facts and statistics you learn more about the world, especially through the treasure hunt in this book.
Jonas Aurell from Scandikitchen said 'since hygge took off, we've been selling a third more cakes and buns'
Review on goodreads: This book made me so incredibly happy while reading it. The phenomenon and idea of hygge is something that appeals to my very soul, and it is something that I want to try and implement far more in my life than I already am. As my main resolution for this year is to stay happy, it seems inevitable that I would work towards the hygge lifestyle.
it is the danish word for happiness
Denmark is the happiest country in the world based on averages
Denmark has free health care for all, no university tuition fees,
stated in the book that happiness is based upon : togetherness, money, health, freedom, trust and kindness
tip- buy experiences not things
health- reverse relationship between happiness and health, our happiness has an impact on our health.
63% of danes commute on a bike, with more bikes than cars in Copenhagen
the work life balance - value the time spent with family and friends, leaving work at around 4 or 5 with no excuse, with Denmark being ranked at no 2 on the OECD better ice index
52 weeks of paid leave- can be divided by partner
high level of trust in their society- which the happiness report states that a successful society is one where people have a high level of trust
indulging now and then, stay active and keep your rest and family time sacred
Review on Goodreads: I really enjoy Wiking's writing. He uses an interesting mix of facts, case studies, real stories from his life and statistics. The book is also filled with photographs and graphs which break things up and add to how cheerful and cosy it is. I'm always surprised by how easy these books are to read, despite the amount of information we get.
What I love the most about these books is that they make me think about my life. They make you take a step back and realise that there are little changes you can make to be happier. His books always leave me feeling motivated and inspired, and I love that. As everything is based on facts and statistics you learn more about the world, especially through the treasure hunt in this book.