Monday 16 March 2020

Visiting profesional - Darren Armstrong (UX)

Freelance UX Designer
started off as a junior web designer - web designer - senior interaction designer - senior ux designer to freelance lead ux

UX - how products are used by people
a person's interaction/experience, how straightforward is the experience easy, smooth? can cover everything from online shopping to an app
ux research - interview, survey, testing, analysis, wireframes & prototypes - user journey

out of uni he was in jobs then built portfolio in that time which then got him into his first ux role

good portfolio, persistence, work experience, network, have hobbies and side projects

enjoy what you do - find it fulfilling

went from in house to contract base when had enough experience and was bored of the lengthy in house projects - put his cv on job boards - his current contracts are around 6 months and face design problems prodominately

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