Tuesday 3 March 2020

Copy right, not copy wrong

How to structure copy next to work
- should reflect who you are

Liz wells - Stink Studio
- Two sentence intro, about the project
- design challenges, design solutions
- Credits at the bottom
- Link at bottom of project if live

- Caption the project - learn more about...
- Images are captioned
- Press release type output
- full list of credits
- categories on website

Rita Matos
- Opens with couple sentences etc brand identity...
- Visuals - full screen
- Another little para - brief

Roberta Donatini
- each project - two para structure
- credits and links

Hemingway editor

write a copy for an existing portfolio project : in one of the following formats :

Liz Well - intro
design challenge
design solution

Alec elevator pitch - what is the project
how does it work
why does it work

Format guide style - context
client expectations
design process
measure of success

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