Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Oliver Bonas external collab - Mexican key to happiness

The Mexican recipe to happiness includes a large dose of social contact. Lots of social bonding, talking, laughing, and joking takes places around here. Families eat together Sundays or Saturdays, and these meals include grandparents— usually the hosts  sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren, cousins, etc. This happens once a week. Friends at work eat together almost every day, and friends usually have a specific day of the week booked to spend time together. Anything is an excuse for people to get together to watch soccer, football, to prepare BBQ with family and/friends. There is music, and beer, lots of jokes.
God is an important ingredient to Mexican happiness. There is a good chunk of the population who likes to leave stuff in the hands of God. Yes they worry, yes they suffer but eventually they say something like “God has a reason,” “in God I trust,” “it’s God’s will,” “God is with me.” I believe this shortens the impact of difficulties and anxiety.

what can we learn from happy Mexicans;
Spend less time alone. 
Grow your circle of friends — happiness gets amplified when surrounded by people.
Laugh more.
Find happiness in the little things .
Stop glorifying being busy all the time. 
Be humble.

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