Tuesday, 22 October 2019


simplicity & consistency = productive
3 big outcomes a week, 3 tasks in a day
priority based on money worth
develop new habits one at a time 
set annual goals - into a weekly system 
discipline but don't be unrealistic 
have downtime - accounted for
priorities week/day 
putting a value against each task

pomodoro - 25 minutes, 5 min break - when 4th cycle give 15 min break

eat the frog - start the day with the most daunting task - 100% focus till complete 

getting things done - next action, someday maybe, waiting for. Clarity and understand - team work flow

  • stickies - Mac sticky notes
  • Teux - deux - browser tab
  • Marinara - plug in chrome where you can set 25 mins
  • self control app - put websites to ban for a certain amount of time
  • Toggs - log what was doing in time 
Annual goals:

draw every week - design that I enjoy outside of uni

Weekly timetable

In the session we made a weekly timetable to help see how we have allocated time to manage day to day tasks and to create the bigger picture. The advice for the weekly timetable was to not make it overly specific and to have broad allocations, such as research for cop.  


With creating the weekly timetable, it was apparent that this method doesn't work for me due to liking a daily tick list instead. However, I will try to incorporate the weekly timetable due to it being better for thinking ahead rather than stuck in day to day tasks and to reflect on where I can fit in these daily tasks. 

From the session I tried using the pomodoro method and it worked pretty well and I managed to stay focused on the work I was doing. The only downside of the method however was that once there was a distraction or a break in the cycle it was very hard to start the 25 minutes again and the longer I kept going the more distracted I was getting. So perhaps I should give longer breaks or work for a longer amount of time until I become distracted. 

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