Friday, 25 October 2019

OUGD603 initial brief ideas

client - live brief
internal collab
external collab
research led

  1. Client (live brief)  - Toasties (Family business - sandwich shop) illustrate and design the layout for their double sided menu 
  2. Collab  - Fry guys (something more project) expanding it 
  3. Competition - Oh deer - designing a Papergang box - a stationary box with a theme 
  4. Competition - HSBC - D&ad illustration brief - airport activation - illustration to their campaign and identity
  5. Independent (self iniated) - A range of greetings that celebrate the everyday achievement 
  6. Client (live brief) - A cover mount stamp and 2 A4 pages of Printables for a Mixed media magazine
  7. Independent (self iniated) - Children's food menu - Re branding Toby Carvery to be more engaging and accessible
  8. Collab - With Emily - A well being box, aimed at helping students to take care of themselves - from students to students and would include seeds, notebook, ways of working, face mask etc (like a subscription box type)
  9. Research led  - Packaging for children's food - making the healthy more enticing - how packaging can influence (the problem with children's lunch boxes happening at the min can tie in etc) (was an early cop idea)
  10. External Collab -  don't have one....

collab - food - cook book thing - mixing cultures zine maybe??

what I want to solve/make

branding, illustrative work
for portfolio ; baby range, cards, stationary, branding etc

branding/persona for a blogger or youtube
taking a surface pattern designers work and making a zine.... doing something w it ...
perhaps branding something and then using their patterns??

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