Saturday 19 October 2019

Case study - Bringing back Homepride man

marketing week ; 2014
Homepride is back on TV screens after a 10-year hiatus with a £2.3m ad push that aims to celebrate its 50th anniversary and the relaunch of the brand with a new strapline ‘Everybody loves Homepride’.

reintroduces Homepride’s brand mascot Fred as a 6-foot puppet that helps out during family mealtime. He was previously a small animated character. Fred also features more prominently on Homepride’s new packaging, taking a position in the centre of the label. He will also be brought to life via radio and in-store activity, as well as in a social campaign that will see the Fred puppet go into people’s homes to help them with cooking.

Helen Warren-Piper, savoury business unit director at Homepride owner Premier Foods, says the company had initially considered ditching Fred because “we thought he might be a bit outdated”. However, in focus groups they found that mums still associated the character with the brand and so decided to keep him.

The change with this campaign is that Fred is now a real character, brought to life by a professional puppeteer who has worked on films including Gravity and Star Wars.

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