Monday, 21 October 2019


Who's in charge? article:

how they approached surveys, primary research and their findings

Who was involved in the study?

The author of the asthma was the facilitator - 12 foundation staff, 5 post graduate graphic design students

What arguments does the article make?

value of co-design to put aside
participant differences while sharing ideas.
co-design aids the discovery of important tacit information
which would not have surfaced without end-user creative participation.
intuition shouldn't be relied on -- incorporate knowledge from the audience and end users

What suggestions is the author making in relation to how we practice design?

games - helped set them at ease

utilising these games In the co design process creates a more beneficial atmosphere for sharing
strategies that designers can use

What is textual analysis 

analysis a text - radio, tv, film (media studies)
they look into semiotics
texts and who's reading it - the image and who's seeing it etc etc
examples - analysing but also thinking about what other people will see - who's target audience etc

examples - what they mean to the target audience
demographics - age, gender, profession, education, sexual orientation (target consumer)
psychographics - personality, values, opinions, attitudes, lifestyle (creating a persona)
brands want to see a lifestyle - to mould against the lifestyle - cain changed a visual identity to go with the consumers lifestyle

professional, connected, organised, creative
trend follower, likes the finer things (as more expensive)

family values, coffee mornings, etsy store, middle aged and younger, perhaps families
friendly branding

qualitative/quantitative (data gathering)

Quantitative - numerical data (expressing as percentages)
Qualitative - emotional/personal (questionnaire, survey, interview)

perhaps stick to multiple choice as it makes it easier to collate
could look at it generally - but doesn't reflect on process????
thematic analysis
review the findings
coding - coming up with phrases of what has been said - into common areas/themes
primary research for essay/practical or both

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