- the colours and illustrations create a warm and comforting vibe
- character application - like it in the tea cup though - works best for the vibe
- narrative/space - the moose in a stamp and different scenarios doing different things
- the simplistic version of the logo works better as the details perhaps is christmassy with the coral type of colour
- close up of the moose for the primary logo and for products such as the bag the other logo is more interesting and works better - the close up is more universal - testing how some use what
- like the houses - cup - interesting
- how someone else can use it - branding guidelines
- the logo works - as well as the illustrations and colours
- for the logo make the outer circle thinner like the illustration line point
- stamp - for the windows have the moose doing different things
- warm/calm colourways
- good to see the different moose in the different scenarios
- different logos for diff situations
- doesn't need type - perhaps have one that has type for the different situations ...
- looking really good - can tell youre considering all elements already
From this feedback, it is clear that the more simplistic logo works better for the universal primary logo. Also, to incorporate the moose doing different things with more posters in the different colours as this seems to be working well.
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