Saturday 2 May 2020

Website feedback from alex lane

- Love the moving animation on the homepage could this be incorporated into your logo e.g. an eye winking even just as an experiment? 
- Perhaps the toasties and reusable product bag could be a larger headline image e.g. an enlarged illustration for the menu / section of the menu, a close up of the reusable produce label? 
- I love the moving image format on the homepage are there any other GIF’s or animations you could include to document elements or other projects. 

Other comments… 
- Your personal brand logo is highly reflective of you visually as a designer it represents both your design style and personality
 - Your copywriting is clear and consistent throughout each project 
- The body typeface is very complimentary to your branding and overall aesthetic 
- Your documented photography is to a high standard and it’s interesting to see your designs in real life context. 
- The Shop link works very well. It’s nice you have more external links to your site it shows your ability to manage, explore and expand your practice. 
- The image of yourself on the ‘About’ page of the website is a nice personal touch and reference to anyone visiting your site. It helps putting a face to your brand and designs. This also creates a much more personable approach and may encourage more people to actually get in touch. 
- It’s nice to see a very visual website to showcase your work with consistent copywriting to put your work into context 
- It’s interesting to also see your industry engagement in your work through documenting where your work has been exhibited.
 - Other documentation on your site including your achievements and awards promotes yourself as a designer, your standard of work all whilst making you a unique candidate that stands out from the competition 
- Overall your website structure is clear and consistent. Your personal branding and other design decisions such as a body typeface compliment your personal brand well. With only a few minor suggestions to refine your website further. Your documentation and imagery showcase your impressive portfolio and level of professionalism as a designer. With a huge emphasis on your personal touches that make you as a designer stand out in a competitive industry. Such as, managing your own shop range, documenting where your work has been exhibited and even your awards to date. 

From this feedback, it is clear that to improve my website i should experiment with the animation on the home page seeing wether having the logo wink would be more effective. Also perhaps i should try to incorporate more gifs into my work! 

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