Tuesday 7 January 2020



a life of choice not chance
define your future

vision - inspiring, detailed, documented, communicated and a little scary.

vision inspires and informs the actions - bring closer to goal - success on your terms - smaller manageable tasks

1. set your vision 5 or 10 years in the future
2. Start by writing the date 7th jan 2025
3. write in the present tense - I have
4. Describe your life in rich detail - live, do, day to day, hobbies, 2 or 3 paras
5. include everything that defines success and happiness to you
6. We don't achieve alone, so be sure to consider that in your vision

to help with self confidence and self reflection

7th Jan 2025

I have just woken up to the Copenhagen sun, in my penthouse apartment with the sun gleaming through the windows. On my way to work I grab a croissant and latte from my favourite local coffee shop. I walk through the colourful architectural streets, with my favourite music in my AirPods, which leads me to the Flying tiger headquarters. Today we are working on the next line, which includes cute strawberries and fruit and we are pitching initial ideas in our team. I am especially excited today as this weekend I have a trip with my work friends to go and visit Malmö.

My family still live in Blackpool but at a massive house, where I still have a place to stay when I go back to the uk to visit for holidays and birthdays if I can. I have a boyfriend from Copenhagen who we go on dates together after work or on our days off as I have 4 working days, with the Scandinavian lifestyle of believing in a healthy work to life balance. I still enjoy going to gigs and festivals, with going to see Billie Eillish in Stockholm in a couple of months with my sisters, having a catch up. With living in Copenhagen it means that I get to explore my favourite country; Sweden, with having regular design trips and meet ups with friends. 

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