Sunday 24 May 2020

Research brief: Contextual research - menu design

For the basis of the menu design for the research collateral I looked at existing designs and was also heavily influenced by Fika North in Leeds for the branding collateral. 


The studio briefs started from January, with figuring out the briefs and writing them all happening beforehand. Due to focusing on COP, the first brief started was Toasties menu in January. 

Sunday 17 May 2020

Brand Distribution

Within my brand ikldesign I have different ways of distribution within the brand. My main distribution is my Instagram, with posting patterns, design and physical outcomes of projects which creates an interest between like minded designers and has gained me clients. My other big way of promoting myself is through my portfolio website. My portfolio website has my best projects which has been drastically condensed down with also the feature of my about page and a shop link. I also have a physical portfolio, which I have started to make as a master doc for any future studio emails! I also have a LinkedIn, Facebook and my Easy Page. Throughout all collateral my logo, supporting imagery and brand colours are used creating a harmonious link, that is also slightly different depending on the platform.





(Portfolio Website)

(Physical portfolio)

Friday 15 May 2020

Fresh Meet

Fresh Meet is a nationwide degree show which has secured much ad space on billboards and in national newspapers which is going to feature work from graduating creative students in the UK. The initiative allows any graduating students to send in one picture of their projects to be with the chance of being featured. I chose my Cassette project t send in due to it being a passion project that I was proud of also being proud of the screen printed outcome and the photoshoot. 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Research brief- list of fika pastries

Most popular Swedish Fika Pastries 

Fika is a deep rooted ritual a bit similar to British afternoon tea tradition, when people sit down and socialise over a cup of hot drink and some small snacks. The difference is that Swedes can have fika a few times a day. In fact, they are even officially entitled to have regular fika breaks at work.

Swedes generally prefer coffee over tea and on contrary to three-tiered serving tray loaded with a few different types of morsels that is common in Britain, they only have a small bite  – a bun, a slice of cake or a cookie. However, when it comes to the selection of traditional fika treats, the variety to choose from seems endless.

Punsch rolls (Punchrulle)

Small logs, filled with cookie crumb, arak, butter and cocoa mix, covered in a layer of green or pink marzipan and both ends dipped in chocolate. Sometimes the filling may contain raspberry jam or oats. Swedes call them vacuum cleaners, since the shape looks like an old fashioned cleaning device.

Vanilla hearts (Vaniljhjärta)

Love heart shaped shortbread pastries dusted with icing sugar are filled with aromatic vanilla custard. The pastry shell is very thin and fragile, so they break apart very easily and are not the best for take aways, so sit down and enjoy one right there in a bakery. Vanilla hearts simply melt in your mouth and are perfect companions to coffee.

Cinnamon or cardamom buns (Kanelbulle or Kardemummabulle)

Traditional Swedish buns can come in a variety of shapes. The most simple shape is a scroll, but sometimes the buns remind of a rosetta or an intricate knot. Butter and sugar mixture that is used to spread on the dough before shaping them into buns is a secret of their taste. Cinnamon or ground cardamom is used for adding the aroma that you simply can’t resist when you step into a bakery. They are the best while still warm.

Raspberry caves (Hallongrotta)

If you are a fan of shortbread cookies, these are for you. Not only you get a buttery cookie, but also a dent (or a cave) filled with with fragrant raspberry jam. If the jam was home made and the pastries were not baked in the oven for too long to the point where the jam turns into a hard lump, hallongrottas are mouth watering treats.

Chocolate or Arak balls (Chokladboll or Araksboll)

Golf ball sized unbaked sweets are close relatives of world-reknowned rum balls. They are made of oatmeal, sugar, butter, cocoa and sometimes small amount of coffee or Arak. Chocolate balls are traditionally covered in desiccated coconut and Arak balls – in chocolate sprinkles. They can also be called Kokosboll (coconut ball) or Havreboll (oatmeal ball).

Semla buns (Semla or Fastlagsbulle)

Semla are traditional lent buns, but Swedes like them so much that they make them starting from New Years and finishing around Easter time. The top of soft cardamom spiced bun is cut off, the bun is filled with marzipan paste and whipped cream and then the lid of the bun is placed back. You can get the variations of Semla where almond paste and whipped cream are blended together.

Kanelbullar – Cinnamon Buns

Visually, kanelbullar might be the most iconic of the fika recipes. They are found in essentially every single cafe in Sweden, and most people have memories of them from an early age. The dough is spiced with a little cinnamon, which is what makes for the distinct Swedish cinnamon bun taste. They aren’t topped with frosting like American cinnamon rolls; instead they are sprinkled with pearl sugar, a hard sugar, that almost looks like chunks of salt, but is very sweet

Chokladbollar – Chocolate Balls

Chokladbollar are perhaps one of my favorite recipes, mostly because they are so simple to make. Since they don’t have to be baked, they are perfect for making with kids, and it’s the first recipe that many Swedish children learn. Chances are, you already have a lot of the essential ingredients on hand: butter, sugar, cocoa powder, oats. You then mix it all with your hands and roll them in shredded coconut.

Kladdkaka – Sticky Chocolate Cake

It’s hard to turn down a good sticky chocolate cake served with a dollop of whipped cream. The secret: plenty of butter. In Fika: The Art of the Swedish Break we take the classic gooey recipe and switch it up a little by using ground almonds instead of flour, which is perfect for serving to gluten-free friends.

Småkakor – Small Cookies

There are so many types of cookies in Sweden that they all fall into one category: småkakor. Literally translated, “small cookies.” There is usually a lot of butter and sugar involved. There are many types of småkakor out there, but for some good starter recipes, try mandel kakor (almond cookies), chokladsnittar (chocolate slices), and muskotsnittar (nutmeg slices, which are perfect if you like a spicy cookie).

Kardemummakaka – Cardamom Cake

Sponge cakes are common in Sweden, and they are tweaked in a variety of ways. A very common variation is the cardamom cake. This beloved spice in the Swedish kitchen makes for an exotic-tasting cake that pairs perfectly with a strong cup of coffee.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

careers - how to apply ppp strategies to your career

No need to panic as creativity in demand
Depends on industry - recruiting 
Blogged about the placement session lol - if you were to get a creative job 
What jobs do you think you could pivot into? 
Stay open minded to all opportunities (in the creative industry) - move within the industry 
Easily get into marketing (communication)
Illustration is a tough industry 
If well-being come back as we’ll need you lol - councillor in demand 

Job sites - 
if you could (London centric) 
The dots (London centric again) more from advertising roles 
LinkedIn- job search is the best - volume of use 
Value exchange on LinkedIn to get connections - add all each other and share each other’s things 
Lecture in progress 
Instagram - tailored/targeted audience - like a business 
Designs job board (or ny)

Avoid un paid internships 
Why don’t you start your own studio/collective 
A graphic designer than can help good industries rn - deliver things rn 

Applying strategies from ppp for jobs:
(Strategies from ppp)
Customising each application to the studio 
Emphasise the value exchange 
Confident in yourself - know your value
Photograph your work
Purpose driven projects - shows someone personality 
Don’t introduce yourself as a student 
Confident in talking about ur work 
Collaborate with different courses - create a plan to work when you can - Lau 
Master portfolio file 
Don’t send over images 300dpi - digital elements need to be functional 

Elevator pitches 
Email composition (short) 
Value exchanges 
Tailored submission & portfolios
Email footers 
Small file size for attachment 
Do your research 
Each other’s support system 

Question answers:
  • time freed up to learn skills like premier pro
  • Don’t need a teacher degree to be a lecturer - necessity in school - fulfilling when goes well (1/2 days) 
  • Has a deck for teaching and lectures (education service) - tailored for linked in - get creative work on linkedin
  • Ask for what you need - finance 
  • Lot less having to travel to work with covid - hopefully more women in leadership positions 
  • Don’t need an internship for the sake of it
  • Google suite is v useful 
  • Email someone every week etc

Saturday 2 May 2020

Website feedback from alex lane

- Love the moving animation on the homepage could this be incorporated into your logo e.g. an eye winking even just as an experiment? 
- Perhaps the toasties and reusable product bag could be a larger headline image e.g. an enlarged illustration for the menu / section of the menu, a close up of the reusable produce label? 
- I love the moving image format on the homepage are there any other GIF’s or animations you could include to document elements or other projects. 

Other comments… 
- Your personal brand logo is highly reflective of you visually as a designer it represents both your design style and personality
 - Your copywriting is clear and consistent throughout each project 
- The body typeface is very complimentary to your branding and overall aesthetic 
- Your documented photography is to a high standard and it’s interesting to see your designs in real life context. 
- The Shop link works very well. It’s nice you have more external links to your site it shows your ability to manage, explore and expand your practice. 
- The image of yourself on the ‘About’ page of the website is a nice personal touch and reference to anyone visiting your site. It helps putting a face to your brand and designs. This also creates a much more personable approach and may encourage more people to actually get in touch. 
- It’s nice to see a very visual website to showcase your work with consistent copywriting to put your work into context 
- It’s interesting to also see your industry engagement in your work through documenting where your work has been exhibited.
 - Other documentation on your site including your achievements and awards promotes yourself as a designer, your standard of work all whilst making you a unique candidate that stands out from the competition 
- Overall your website structure is clear and consistent. Your personal branding and other design decisions such as a body typeface compliment your personal brand well. With only a few minor suggestions to refine your website further. Your documentation and imagery showcase your impressive portfolio and level of professionalism as a designer. With a huge emphasis on your personal touches that make you as a designer stand out in a competitive industry. Such as, managing your own shop range, documenting where your work has been exhibited and even your awards to date. 

From this feedback, it is clear that to improve my website i should experiment with the animation on the home page seeing wether having the logo wink would be more effective. Also perhaps i should try to incorporate more gifs into my work! 

Freelance email

Today i checked my design email and i have received email requesting a commission for 8 pattern designs for a dog collar/lead company. I am happy to be receiving commissions and emails like this as i love working with pattern! However, depending on the deadline timeline i may have to pass this opportunity up because of the last push with university, however I have responded to the request asking for further information so I hope that I can still pursue this opportunity and client!